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Contributing is like sending a package to someone who needs something or ordered something because someone needs something. A package that is still empty. What are you sending to me?


Because such a year full of experiences and adventures with God is no picnic. Is it required to prepare & to give up the old   and above all to dare something new.


The community

The community is an important part of such a mission. 

We Christians live through community and cohesion. Through prayer and the spiritual participation of others.

I couldn't do this mission without you. 

I share with you & you become part of it!



Another important part of an outreach is the financial support from YOU brothers and sisters in faith!

An OM assignment costs between 700-900 euros!

Here you can become a part of my story

If YOU would like to support me, you are welcome to do so!

here via PAYPAL:

here by SEPA direct debit

Jetzt spenden

(Private Spende an Jona & Atipa)

Danke für die Spende.

OM Germany

Evangelical Bank Kassel

IBAN: DE47 5206 0410 0000 5072 45


Purpose: Jona Gröninger, Zambia, address of the donor (for donation receipt)

donation receipt

to download and apply 

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